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Seven Goals for a New Job

One nice part about life is how many do-overs you get, on everything from your love life to your hair color. Tomorrow I get my first Tallahassee Do-Over, where I start a new full-time job that sounds like a great match. But like relationships, good jobs don’t happen on their own; they take work, commitment, and intentionality.

Three years ago I set goals for myself in an MFA program, and two years later was pleasantly surprised to discover that the goals had leafed out and borne fruit. So I won’t memorize the following goals, but I’m going to plant them and see how they flower.

  1. Learn everything I can about my responsibilities
  2. Leave a good impression on as many people as possible
  3. Give my best on every project and endeavor
  4. Help my organization move forward in its goals
  5. Leave some room for my personal life (spouse, person of faith, writer, gardener)
  6. Make someone smile every day
  7. Add something new to the work equation

That last goal is a wildcard that stands for that extra something we all have to offer every part of our lives. In my spiritual life, my wildcard is the chocolate pecan pie I bake for special events and bake sales; as a gardener, it’s my knowledge of miniature and other special roses; as a writer, it’s… it’s… my; special; affection; for; semicolons?

I don’t know what my wildcard is for this job… but I look forward to turning it over and seeing what it tells me.

Posted on this day, other years: