(Note: a “con-grunt” is a blog comment about a conference; derived from “ref-grunt,” which is blogging about reference work. Source: Steve Cohen.)
Here are a few juicy tips about blogging and RSS from Internet Librarian 2003, broken down by presenter. Future con-grunts from IL 2003 will cover search, usability, and XML/XSLT.
Liz Lawley:
- Over 50% of blogs are written by women
- Personal blogs are like googling a brain
- Things said about blogs today are the same things said about the Web in 1994
- Aggregators lose the visual environment of what you are reading
- Allconsuming looks for blogs with ISBN numbers
Greg Notess:
- Search blog/rss search engines
- Daypop includes blogstats
- Daypop is basically from one guy
- Check out daypop word bursts
- Check out waypath.com , www.bloogz.com, and blogrunner.com
Jenny Levine and Steven Cohen:
(Also see their post-conference addendum, which includes excellent “getting started” tips, such as how to get a free feed on Bloglines:
http://www.theshiftedlibrarian.com/2003/11/05.html#a4856 )
- Good aggregators to try include Newsgator (Outlook-based feed), Newzcrawler, and Amphetadesk
- Places to find feeds include Newzcrawler, Newsisfree, Syndic8, Blogstreet, and Moreover
- RSSExplorer is a browser add-on
- Use daypop for creatinga custom search feed
- Moreover allows you to create RSS for keywords
- pmbrowser.info provdes RSS feeds for PubMed
- Feedster indexes RSS feeds
- Use LISFeeds.com to find library-related feeds
- Two other good sites include Feedroll.com and www.2rss.com
- You can reach Jenny on AIM at cybrarygal, and Steven at NYlibrarian
Posted on this day, other years:
- Prop 8, Prop 2, and The PhD Tell-all Post - 2008
- My defrag talk - 2007
- Pfeffernusse Recipe, page 1 - 2006
- Electoral Maps - 2004
- Clay Shirky on Mailing Lists - 2004
More Con-Grunting
Karen is Con-Grunting about Internet Librarian. Neat. (BTW, the term “con-grunting” was actually coined by Michael Stephens).I think a congrunt can be defined as a loose spattering of notes published about a conference session to a blog, not necessaril…
Catching up on the Internet Librarian
Last week, I went to the Internet Librarian conference in Monterey. It was eye-opening in a lot of ways. And I couldn’t do justice to all of the content … These blogs can: Library Stuff Tame the Web Free Range…
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