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First IL Con-Grunt

(Note: a “con-grunt” is a blog comment about a conference; derived from “ref-grunt,” which is blogging about reference work. Source: Steve Cohen.)

Here are a few juicy tips about blogging and RSS from Internet Librarian 2003, broken down by presenter. Future con-grunts from IL 2003 will cover search, usability, and XML/XSLT.

Liz Lawley:

  1. Over 50% of blogs are written by women
  2. Personal blogs are like googling a brain
  3. Things said about blogs today are the same things said about the Web in 1994
  4. Aggregators lose the visual environment of what you are reading
  5. Allconsuming looks for blogs with ISBN numbers

Greg Notess:

  1. Search blog/rss search engines
  2. Daypop includes blogstats
  3. Daypop is basically from one guy
  4. Check out daypop word bursts
  5. Check out ,, and

Jenny Levine and Steven Cohen:

(Also see their post-conference addendum, which includes excellent “getting started” tips, such as how to get a free feed on Bloglines: )

  1. Good aggregators to try include Newsgator (Outlook-based feed), Newzcrawler, and Amphetadesk
  2. Places to find feeds include Newzcrawler, Newsisfree, Syndic8, Blogstreet, and Moreover
  3. RSSExplorer is a browser add-on
  4. Use daypop for creatinga custom search feed
  5. Moreover allows you to create RSS for keywords
  6. provdes RSS feeds for PubMed
  7. Feedster indexes RSS feeds
  8. Use to find library-related feeds
  9. Two other good sites include and
  10. You can reach Jenny on AIM at cybrarygal, and Steven at NYlibrarian

Posted on this day, other years: