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RSS Woes

With abysmal and humiliating lack of success, I keep trying to piggyback a “native” (site-hosted) RSS feed from one written with great care by Jon Legree of Yorba Linda Public Library.

His feed:

My adapted feed:

We haven’t quite gotten to the point where we have our own parser on, but I thought I could just steal Jon’s feed every week and modify it for our own purposes.

Well, boo-hoo. I’m clearly mucking up the file format, no matter how hard I try not to, because Amphetadesk gags on it. And I really do NOT understand why the image doesn’t display. Does this file not work for you?

You might say, “oh, get over yourself Karen and just link to Jon’s feed,” but really, we’re way past due on having our own native feed on; plus I want some control over its look and syntax. Besides, a real woman would have her own feed. Sojourner Truth would never have used some guy’s feed (even if the guy, who is a swell all-around fella, did write the feed for credit in a course she was teaching).

And ain’t I a woman?

A woman without an RSS parser is like a day without sunshine.

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