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Comment Section on FRL Expanded

At least for the next couple of weeks, I expanded FRL’s “recent comments” section to list the last 35 (up from 7). If you’re reading FRL through an aggregator, stop on by the actual site and look at the right-hand margin.

So I have solved the Case of the Missing Comments (Subtitled, Or, Readers’ Thoughts Purloined by Coldhearted Technology) . What touches me, as a blogger/writer, writer/blogger, and person of the world, is how many of you have commented in so many ways on so many different posts. FRL doesn’t have particularly heavy comment traffic, but what’s there is good reading.

Yes, I’m bragging on you, Gentle Readers, but it’s not cheap pandering. After grimly plowing through 500 junk comments (most involving sex with goats) to tweeze out your thoughts, questions, objections, concurrences, arguments, reflections, memories, me-too-isms, and sundry greetings, the experience (so much like revision: here’s a good one! I’ll keep that!) has taught me how much I am motivated by the conversation on this blog–not just the reading, not just the writing, not just the comments, but the larger sum of it all: the table spread with good food and drink, the candlelight shining on our faces as we talk through the night.

So to Michael, Sarah, Rochelle, Christina, Lorcan, Ruth, Diedre, Jane, Anne, Nienke, Blake, Jon, Cameron, Gillian, Mark, Kevin, Alexandre, Stephen, Dinah, Frank, Allison, Roy, and everyone else who has ever commented, including those who sit and smile, drinking in the tableau (for the quiet ones are part of the conversation, as well): thank you!

Posted on this day, other years: