From ALA HQ: Roy elected–dues increase passes–turnout excellent–bylaws change passes–all good news. William Crowe ran an honorable campaign and is a good guy, but Roy will make a terrific ALA president. Too busy to do more than paste and run! — kgs
———–from ALA Council list—————–
Following are the results of the 2006 ALA Bylaws Amendment votes and the ALA President-elect vote. A press release will be issued later today. Full election results will be posted later today, after candidates have been personally notified.
Elizabeth Dreazen
Item #1: Bylaw Amendment to Revise the Dues Structure and Implement a Dues Increase
YES 7,876 Adopted
NO 6,220
Item #2: Bylaw Amendment to Reflect the Electronic Accessibility of the ALA Handbook of Organization
YES 13,398 Adopted
NO 387
Item #3: Bylaw Amendment to Increase Round Table Representation on Council
YES 9,745 Adopted
NO 3,646
Item #4: Bylaw Amendment to Modify the Quorum Requirement for Affirmative Votes in Non-Face-to-Face Meetings
YES 12,302 Adopted
NO 1,162
William Crowe 4,702
Loriene Roy 8,898 Elected
Total Number of Ballots Cast – 14,441
Karen: I noticed when I checked the ALA website that the voting totals for at-large councilors was not posted this year, as it was last year. Have you heard any rumors that someone convinced ALA not to publish the voting totals, but only the winners’ names?
I ask because a much-loathed person from the library where I work was running (for the second time) for ALA Council and many of us were holding our breaths for the voting results.
I’d rather you didn’t post this email with my name on it (posting it with Name Witheld By Request would be OK), but I’d appreciate a reply if you have any information on my question.
Dear Request,
First, I adore being in on a secret, so your identity is safe with me!
Second, I have been so swamped with homework and work-work that I didn’t post the ALA Councilor results. Michael Golrick has already done so. I keep meaning to congratulate the winners, but that last paper for school was like pulling teeth.
ALA does some crazy things, but the results aren’t kept a secret, so yes, that’s just a rumor. They don’t post the results to the news page, but that seems more courtesy than anything else.
Now, do catch me at the hotel bar in the Big Easy and tell me who that person is…