It has been a week where I have barely gotten a lick in on my MFA major project, what with ALA-ness and work-ness and life-ness swirling up storms of activity over the superheated waters of my world. However, without sounding too cocky, I’m in really good shape with my thesis and its lucky thirteen essays. I might even be done early. I have copied my flash drive onto my laptop and emailed my latest revisions to my GMail account, and when I return from ALA I will buy the acid-free box in which the thesis will be nestled this August.
The day that thesis goes in, I will take the best candidates and start shopping them around, then start work on my next piece. (Actually… I have a new piece in work… but I only work on it as a special treat, to reward myself for socking in some good revision time.)
I have some airplane reading for the trip to New Orleans, but what I may do, if the person in front of me doesn’t put his or her seat ALL the way back, is pick up my digital quill, and revise some more. Oh blessed long plane trips.
I expect to be posting primarily if not exclusively to Techsource and the LITA blog during the next four days. Off to another interesting adventure…