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Category Archives: American Liberry Ass’n

ALA Takes Strong Action on EPA Library Network Budget Cuts

The American Library Association has taken action on the proposed EPA Library Network budget cuts. This is the kind of advocacy that makes the pittance I spend on ALA dues worth every penny. Yes, pittance: I spend more on my local NPR affiliate… more on Starbucks… and, let’s see… even at $1.09 per cup twice […]

Life: A Great Cereal

I have fallen behind on a few bits of personal news. Isabelle, the little girl I told you about earlier, is still seriously ill, but following stomach surgery is holding her own. I’m about seven weeks away from my last class in the MFA program, and then I’ll spend the summer working one-on-one with a […]

MPOW Talk at PLA 2006

MPOW Talk at PLA 2006, originally uploaded by freerangelibrarian. That happy fella in the front row is none other than PUBLIB denizen Thomas “DatCalmGuy” Hennen. The talk went well, the crowd was enthusiastic, and the best part, after it was over I saw tons of friends. Reminder: the PowerPoint slides and the handout (which never […]

ALA Election Status

Nice upward bump in turnout! Per Mary Ghikas, “As of 3:14pm today, 3/20/06: 3,849 voted. (The first reported statistics for 2005: 2,764 as of 3/22/05.)” I’m partially through my ballot. I plan to get it done before I leave for PLA Wednesday night. The interface is nicer than last year’s. It’s not perfect, but it’s […]

Vote for Andy Johnson–and Vote for the Roundtable Amendment

I grievously omitted Andy Johnson from my list of endorsements for this year’s ALA election. Andy, who I know from the GLBT Roundtable, is running for what I call the “Kibbles and Bits” Councilor: the person who represents all of the roundtables that do not qualify for a vote on Council. Meanwhile, please also vote […]

Meredith’s New Orleans Wiki and ALA Menschlichkeit

It warmed me to watch ALA bring Meredith Farkas into the fold, encourage her to build a wiki for the New Orleans conference, let the New Orleans wiki be hosted externally, and yet be “official” (I know how hard a step that is for any organization), and in general say, Meredith, you are entitled to […]

FRL’s Endorsements–Let the ALA Elections Begin!

alaballotpostcard, originally uploaded by freerangelibrarian. I received my ALA ballot postcard in the mail last Friday. I’m hoping we can have a much larger L2 presence in this election. Let me give you my 2 cents on who to vote for before this gets away from me. First, vote for Michael Golrick for ALA Council. […]

How To Lose Your Tech People

Third update: Jessamyn weighs in. Second update: Caveat Lector weighs in and brings up both the Gender Thang and those absurd job ads that cram twenty people into one description. Right on, girlfriend! I too add that MPOW has none of these problems–oh, it’s lovely to be in charge. (Or maybe it does have problems, […]

ALA Council: Letting it Go, Hoping it Grows

As a number of people have learned, I stepped down as LITA Councilor due to the budget crisis for my organization. It’s a case where I can’t afford to send myself, with my partner’s job ending sometime this year, and it isn’t right to use organizational funds for ALA attendance beyond that which immediately benefits […]

Go Read Burger’s Blog

I mean it: even if you’ve already read Leslie Burger’s meditation on ALA, go read the comments and if you have a thought, or even a good wish, or even just a “thank you,” say so. I’ve been rightly harsh to Michael “Blog People” Gorman, but conversely, we–meaning those of us on the Cluetrain, those […]