Saturday, January 16, 2010
Ok, that was me trying to being funny about what is really one of the few cities to rival my glorious hometown. I always enjoy Boston, and the 40-ish weather, while worrisome from a climate-change perspective, certainly makes it easy to get around. But I spent most of today doing vendor stuff (wrapping up the […]
Note: be sure to read this post if you AREN’T going to ALA Annual — because there’s some free (as in zero-cost) participation opportunities here. For this conference’s LITA Top Technology Trends, I am part of an online team honchoed by Cindi Trainor that will facilitate a concurrent online discussion. I will post to here, […]
Another year, another ALA! The following is my tentative schedule. This one has a lot of booth time, but I’m only on one committee (how did that happen? Shhhh don’t tell!) and so it may not seem as crazy as Anaheim. As I get ready, I’m enjoying ALA Connect, the new ALA social space. The […]
My killer-app moment was with Summon, a new unified-search service from Serial Solutions that does what we really want a product like this to do: natively indexes data from its sources (databases, ebooks, OPACs, etc.) so that retrieval is fast and consistent. Summon makes your typical metasearch tool look like a rusty wagon with square […]
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
ALA ALA Midwinter came and went in a flash, and I’ve been back for a day or so plowing my way through Stuff while Sandy is out of town. The cats have been obnoxiously slutty, crawling all over my desk all day and slumping against my skull at bedtime, humming as they dig their needle […]
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I’m posting these American Library Association policies as an accompaniment to my YouTube video for ALA’s presidential candidates. Note: the ALA policy manual online is six months out-of-date; I had to get corrected text from an ALA member. So no quibbling from the candidates that this submission is a day late! 7.1.1 The ALA will […]
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I bet this won’t be the last version of this, but it still gives my Denver-bound colleagues some idea of my 411 in Denver. Thursday, Jan 22 Thursday afternoon, arrive in Denver Thursday night dinner, MJ Friday, Jan 23 Friday morning booth setup Friday 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. confab w/colleague Friday 1:30 p.m. – […]
ALA is offering us a chance to submit questions to its presidential candidates by YouTube. We have TWO great candidates — I think highly of Roberta Stevens and Kent Oliver — and I am sure they will do justice to the post, regardless of who’s elected. So I am struggling to come up with a […]
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I was told this was the “hard” direction — coming back to the U.S. from Australia. It hasn’t been too rough — though I wake up feeling as if I’ve been nailed to the bed — which makes me wonder if I ever really switched over. We jostled our way across so many time zones […]
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I have written off and on for American Libraries since 1996. Of the two major magazines for LibraryLand, they were the first to run a regular technology column (for actual modern technology, not “here’s how to use a Dialog blue sheet”). AL has now just implemented some very interesting changes. 1. The weekly e-newsletter, American […]