Monday, September 25, 2006
I posted two pictures to Flickr in succession, but the pictures really don’t have much to do with one another, as I can see from a couple of comments, so Let Me Explain. Catching up after major away-time, I tried to do some committee work, which included a requirement to log in to Online Communities. […]
Saturday, September 23, 2006
i could come up with a million reasons to gripe about the ALA Council “facebook.” It’s a kludgy web page. It doesn’t provide enough information about the members. It’s not up on Flickr. And so forth. But I really enjoy seeing the faces of people I know–Bernadine, Michael, Thaddeus, Nicolas, Diane, Nann, Terri, Dennis, June, […]
come together @ your library Originally uploaded by jessamyn. And I love Jessamyn, who was the first to pick up (as it were) ALA’s cluelessly erotic tagline for the 2007 National Library Week celebration. She has another image, which I warn you is not work-safe. (These two ladies at least have clothes on.) Reminds me […]
I came back from ALA with a mountain of work, both MPOW-ish and personal. Also, I have a long, not-so-casual piece I’m working on based on a tour of the flood zones with a friend (some pictures on Flickr). It involves research and follow-up. I appreciate the “in the moment” posts I’ve read (thanks, Jessamyn!), […]
She’s staying fairly low-key while Leslie Burger does her prexy thing, but Loriene Roy has an interesting blog worth following. I was reading Loriene’s post about summer book lists for adults when I realized I had mis-read the tag line for her blog: “Pin-ding-u-daud-ewin. ‘To enter into one another’s lodges’.” My brain had morphed this […]
It has been a week where I have barely gotten a lick in on my MFA major project, what with ALA-ness and work-ness and life-ness swirling up storms of activity over the superheated waters of my world. However, without sounding too cocky, I’m in really good shape with my thesis and its lucky thirteen essays. […]
Lois Ann Gregory-Wood reminded me that resolutions aren’t read out loud. They are placed on a table and Council simply votes on the whereas clauses. I believe there is usually a moment of silence where the members are acknowledged… so scratch that request for taping/recording John Iliff’s resolution. Bookmark to:
Thanks to the many people who provided input on John Iliff’s memorial resolution. With the assistance of ALA’s ever-helpful Lois Ann Gregory-Wood, I have pinned down when the resolution will be read. ALA policy states, “Memorial resolutions, tributes, and testimonials will be presented to Council at the beginning of the last session of Council at […]
The ALA Wiki has some good tips, and provides links to several other collections. Here’s my gathered wisdom: * Don’t assume you’ll have ubiquitous web or email access; do assume that friends will have complications and crossed wires that a cell phone can help resolve. I always carry a short printout with my schedule and […]
Ferreted out from ALA list traffic… I had heard there was an event planner survey but it is buried in the Event Planner (much as a survey buried in WordPerfect 6.0 might have concluded it was a successful release, since the only people who would find it were those who didn’t say “gaaaahhhhh!” and drop […]