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Category Archives: Hot Tech

We the Librarians? (Go Buy Dan Gillmor’s Book!)

I’m seeing tremendous blogbuzz about “We the Media,” Dan Gillmor’s new book about the impact of blogging on journalism and news reporting. But I haven’t seen any citations for this book (even a notation of “purchased”) in any of a half-dozen major library catalogs I checked. Dan is a great thinker and writer, and he […]

PC Easy-Bake Oven Yes, it’s true, as I rewrite the same 40 pages ad infinitum, ad nauseum, I’m falling victim to merely borrowing stuff I saw on other blogs (in this case, Ben Hammersley’s Dangerous Precedent). But I really think I need this toy. Bookmark to:

Apple’s Snit Fit with RealNetworks

Apple, the “think different” company, has thrown a clot that RealPlayer 10.5 can be used to upload RealNetwork’s own music files to the Apple iPod. Apple is stunned… outraged… threatening to sue. The iPod exacerbates two current problems in technology. The first is the half-life of Studley Caps, the random upcasing of internal letters, seen […]

SoundRec: Hear, Hear!

I was driving home tonight and had a great thought, so profound and important I wanted to record it, and thought to myself, my Treo has microphone and sound input; why can’t it do this? By the time I got home, the thought had vanished, but my desire for recording had not. Within five minutes […]

Treo 600: Schneider’s Review

(Updated; see Verichat/Mundu problem resolution) After a series of unfortunate events that would have been resolved much faster if I had better connectivity away from the office, I finally broke down and got a Treo 600. The Treo has already changed my life, and largely for the better. I have checked an airline’s Web site […]

Movable Type Pricing: Getting Closer

I’ve been busy as a bee at MPOW, doing all of that year-end stuff and getting ready to give a talk at LAPL tomorrow, but I caught Library Planet’s post about the new Movable Type licensing structure, which Six Apart had told e-mailed about last night. The new structure is quite generous for personal and […]

Still Learning Comments

I found several comments I thought I had approved for this site–I’m still figuring out the new features in 3.0. In case you wondered..! Bookmark to:

Wireless at ALA

An update on the wireless issue. Some folks had wanted to know why ALA couldn’t buy this for everyone, or why Only Council was getting this “perk.” That’s because this is a maiden voyage for ALA and they want to get it right. (Remember how you kvetched at the minor problems when ALA launched e-voting […]

Six Apart Announces Educational Licensing Costs Forthcoming

See: “We’ve already created new pricing for educational users and we’ll be posting that along with our updated personal edition pricing early this week…” With any luck (for them as well as for us), they listened. From inside 3.0, I can tell you I can do some of the things I was worried about […]

Thumbs Up for Tech at Seattle Public Library

The stuffy elevators don’t wow this reporter, but “as far as the library’s technology is concerned, it’s thumbs up.” See . I predict that with a little clever marketing, use of wi-fi will follow, when (if?) users and area visitors realize SPL is a gigantic hotspot. I like the reporter’s fantasy of a wi-fi […]