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Category Archives: This and That

But Still It Sucks

I was doing fine with Meredith Farkas’ post last week about grotty library interiors et al., a post revisting a number of observations and ideas that I largely agree with on many levels. But yesterday’s post caught me short with this: “I created the title of last week’s post (”It’s Not Just the OPAC that […]

More about blogging and policy

Two other thoughts to share: 1. For a newsy blog, I strongly recommend a word count for blog entries. If you have to write it in 75 to 100 words, you’ll be concise. (75 words was the limit for entries at FPOW; there’s no serious magic to this, but when we went from 100 to […]

O Glorious Day

This day started creakily–I had insomnia last night for two hours, so had to push myself out of bed, and was flapping my wings and squawking as I raced out of the house–but then it ascended into glory. First there was yet another site visit to one of the campus libraries. I enjoyed meeting with […]

Management 2.0 and The Trumpeter inthe Attic

Today for the first time I heard the phrase “Management 2.0.” I guess I knew that was coming. I’ve been around long enough for Total Quality Management (in the military, no less, which was a hilariously inappropriate venue for that management vogue–“O.k., we’re going to vote on it, and we’re voting on it NOW!”), 3 […]

5 things you don’t know about me

Michael Golrick tagged me for this meme, which brings me to #1: 1. I’m just insecure and needy enough to have been wondering if I needed to write a friend and say, “hey, tag me.” Talk about feeling like the blogging wallflower. 2. I’m gay… oh, wait, you know that. You might not know that […]

Blogging policies and procedures

I’m a bit stiff because I spent the night twisted pretzel-like around our cranky old tabby cat, who at six pounds wields strange force. But before I stand under the shower for fifteen minutes to unbend my back, I just gotta talk library blogging policy. As we get closer to installing blog software at MPOW, […]

Alice in Academia

I made it through my first official day, after a harrowing beginning in which the dry cleaner’s equipment was broken so they could not retrieve my jacket, which caused me to fly home and grab a blouse that made my carefully-planned outfit look more like, well, an outfit. That was followed by driving in circles […]

Please comment, do!

It’s good and cold here in Tallahassee–the frost is literally on the pumpkin. Yesterday, while the electricians worked, I upgraded Movable Type to 3.3, reinstalled Media Manager and several other plugins, attempted a couple of other plugins, and added a “captcha” feature to comments. I had hoped that this would prevent the amount of unmoderated […]

A little this, a little that

“No, my last name has nine letters, and it’s S-C-H-N-E-I…” This is a month between Places of Work; it’s not exactly a month of leisure–that would imply lolling on a couch flipping through magazines while my toenail polish dried–but it’s a month of vacation, in the more etymologically pure sense of the word (to leave, […]

Gentle Joy in my Jammies

I ended up not going to Michigan for what would have been a very fun dog and pony show among people I thoroughly enjoy. Yesterday I had a disastrous morning where despite feeling queasy and exhausted I showed up at the airport with plenty of time to spare, but by the time I went back […]