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Category Archives: This and That

Remembering the Past

I was surprised to hear LBR had felt uncomfortable with some of the responses to my latest post about New Orleans. I have spent this past day caught in many images: New Orleans, New York City, the PATH station at the World Trade Center I walked through twice a day for two years in the […]

If I’m not saying much about our gummint and Katrina…

It’s because I am utterly unsurprised. I was too busy simultaneously dealing with the MPOW site upgrade while helping with the fabulous effort to put together an MPOW Katrina topic page, but to discover that Condi Rice was shoe-shopping in Manhattan while people were dying in New Orleans seems perfectly logical. This is the same […]

Hey, I loved my .38, does that count?

Yesterday was my 48th birthday. Sandy and I had planned to go to a fancy-schmancy wine bar, but independently of one another came up with the idea of skipping the dinner and sending the money we saved to a Katrina relief effort. So I bought steaks on sale, pulled a 2001 Napa Valley Martin Ray […]

Paris is so serenely beautiful in August…

O.k., so we didn’t go to Paris, exactly; I snapped this picture at the San Francisco Arboretum, which we trotted through en route from Sonoma County back to Palo Alto before we went to Hollywood and Palm Springs. But I did sprawl in a fat armchair in our suitably rustic Guerneville cabin, reading nice yummy […]

Analog Chicken

Free Range Librarian is taking a lovely Parisian-style late summer break from now through August 28. Enjoy the last taste of summer, and I’ll see you around the biblioblogosphere! Bookmark to:

We’re All Newbies Some of the Time

I woke up this morning before it was even really morning yet, feeling the need to read from The Best of Creative Nonfiction. Annie Dillard’s introduction was thick with encouragement, so much so that I printed off an essay I’ve been planning to submit for publication, wrote a cover letter, found stamps for the SASE, […]

Blessing of the Animals

Wouldn’t it be great if we could bring our pets every week? Bookmark to:

The Good Neighbor

You know about the other neighbor–Jerry Garcia, I refer to him mockingly. But I haven’t written about the neighbor on the other side. It’s just past sunset and cooling down in Palo Alto. The patio is quiet and dark; I can just make out the bright green coleus and the white roses, but the darker […]

A Liberated Chicken

So, nu, I’ve schlepped my latest piece to my summer advisor, wincing over how rough it is. It’s a personal essay about military language grounded in events during Air Force Basic Training (see the end for an excerpt), and while that sounds intriguing, it needed, oh, say, about twenty more hours of serious work to […]

Old Survey, New Survey

This week’s survey is a chance to imagine that you’re reborn as a literary genre. What would it be? In my case, though I love reading and writing creative nonfiction, I think I’d like to be a short story. It would be fun to be contained within a small, completely fictional world. Meanwhile, last week’s […]