So on It’s All Good I heard about the Microsoft Vista name announcement video. Go ahead and watch it. Except for the crowd scenes, the half-dozen actors in this presentation are all male (or at least very convincing female-to-male pre-ops, or male-identified). I was hoping Scobleizer would comment, since for an Astroturf blogger he seems to have a well-developed social conscience (q.v. the Microsoft gay-rights-bill fiasco), but his merry toss-off reference to “Mac guys” has hope fading fast.
Every once in a while I remember that this Saturday I’m going to be at BlogHer, a nifty conference about women and blogging. (Note they are looking for someone who can help with audiocasting the presentation.) After seeing Vista’s Man-Software commercial and feeling the mounting dread over talking to A Roomful of Engineers this Thursday, BlogHer should be enormously therapeutic. (Can we have a Crying and Screaming Room?)
At least one of the men in the video is other-than-white, so it isn’t like Microsoft isn’t encouraging diversity…
Sure it is. What is “encouraging diversity” about a video with no women in it?
Yes, a video with no one in it but white men would be less diverse, but that doesn’t really say anything about Karen’s point, IMO.
I think Tom was being funny…
Tom has a sense of humor? Who knew?!? 😀
The video, btw, seems to have disappeared. Or it’s hidden somewhere that I’m unable to find.
Do you get the feeling some women inside Microsoft “had their way” with the Vista video? 😉