As I patiently hand-code the user comments in the survey for My Place Of Work (2,000 down, 4,000 to go!), I come across quite a bit of humor from librarians in the trenches. My favorite so far: “We could have the government declare war on you, then spend billions to subsidize your infrastructure…”
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It makes one wonder if the current administration ever read Wibberly (or watched Sellers).
Dang, that is a good one. Sad commentary that it seems to make so much sense, too bad blood could be involved in such a plan. Best, and keep on blogging.
Yeah, Wag the MPOW sadly makes a lot of sense…
Have you ever seen the movie “The Mouse that Roared?” Well, that’s just what those folk tried…. Highly recommended, even though dated.
Have you ever seen the movie “The Mouse that Roared?” Well, that’s just what those folk tried…. Highly recommended, even though dated.
No, but I’ll queue it. (Or is Netflix a verb now?)
Actually, Wibberley wrote the book “The mouse that roared”, on which the Peter Sellers movie was based (with Peter playing about a half-dozen different roles).