Late this afternoon, after hanging up my coveralls and clocking out of MPOW, I turned in a pile of essays to my major project advisor for my MFA. On the way home I had visions of preparing an elaborate meal and watching a movie, giving myself one night off from the grind. But Sandy has a bad cold, and I suddenly remembered that as soon as I turned in this batch of work I was going to finish preparing my tax information for my accountant.
So it’s been a particularly fun evening…
But after I made sure that every single nickel from 2004 was accounted for, I wandered onto Amazon’s bookstore (fully intending to go to and purchase two sensible lightweight knit dresses) and bought a pile of books–titles I’ve been squiggling into my class notes for over two years. Some were not available at the library; others I wanted as paperbacks I could carry around and scribble in. I bought all of them used, so a half-hour of shopping and mulling came to $15.00 for a nice pile, ranging from stories by Z.Z. Packer to, finally, A River Runs Through It. (I’ve been meaning to read that story collection since the first week of the program, when a student who would end up a friend recommended it.)
I have a feeling by the time these books arrive I’ll be buried neck-deep in revisions, but at least one of the books can go with me to New Orleans–make that two, one for each way, and a third for getting to sleep–and I’ll make time for the rest.