By way of David Weinberger’s Joho the Blog I found this very scary description of the Internet by Senator Ted Stevens. Hey, send me an internet sometime and tell me how you feel…
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Oh, my…
I’d send you an internet, but I am not sure it would fit in the tubes. The scary thing is that old fart (he is close to 80 if I recall), and I am not sorry if any seniors get offended, is one of the people enacting legislation on the internet and communications. Before the hate mail starts, I am not saying the older folks are not savvy; I know many older folk who are very tech savvy or willing to learn. But in his case, he is an example of a clueless, out of touch type that helps enact legislation that can ruin lives on account of his ignorance. A perfect example of why we probably need term limits. If there were legislators who knew the internet is not a set of pneumatic tubes (likely his vision of the internet), we probably would be better off. Anyhow, send me some internet too if you get a chance. Best, and keep on blogging.
(Don’t miss the link to the explanation for the five-day delivery of the senator’s internet – it’s a crack-up.)
On the 31st page of comments (!) I found this techo remix that is absolutely classic.
Someone needs to send Senator Stevens these two links:
Searls and Weinberger. What the Internet is, and how to stop mistaking it for something else and this scholarly document.
Of course, it would probably be best to send them via carrier pigeon to make sure he gets them!