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Comments function changed; about comments anyway; and printing

Update on printing: Well, print preview looks good now, at least on this computer and through Firefox.

I changed how FRL displays comments. I’m using the latest version of the Get Recent Comments plugin, which is handily widgetized. You can now see the lead words in the comments, and the links are more intuitive (or so I think). If you have problems, let me know.

A friend IM’d me today to say that a comment submitted yesterday hadn’t shown up. I found it moldering away in the sp*m bucket. If you don’t see your comment appear within a day, something’s wrong, and I encourage you to either email or IM me at kgs at freerangelibrarian dot com so I can dig up the comment and post it. I get so much spam I cannot review what’s there — literally thousands a week. (Thank goodness for Askimet!)

I do have comment guidelines, but really, only one person has ever warranted action. As you can see from the recent thread about the NY Times article, all opinions are welcome.

I haven’t disabled the “print entry” service, though I’m disappointed that it seems to be broken in this version of WordPress and/or for this theme. (It did work before I upgraded to 2.2, but it’s still hard to tease out the culprit.) It’s mostly still there because I have to go into a template and tinker to get it out, and I want to do that when I am fully focused on that task.

Printing… I remember a discussion from a while back about blogging software that didn’t do a good job with print preview, and I thought this plugin was a great idea because it displayed the page so cleanly, without the sidebars and so forth — the way the print option for Epicurious displays its recipes. WordPress does offer options for customizing themes, but I was hoping not to have to do that. Sorry about that. If you’re aggravated by the print preview problems, let me know and I’ll bump them up in priority.

Posted on this day, other years: