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My Techsource Post about Dewey

I have to say when I hit “publish” for my Techsource post about post-Deweyfication last night I had no idea it would have 8 comments by this morning. I attribute that to Jessamyn‘s link love, and thanks, gal.

As Dorothea over at Caveat Lector notes, the Wall Street Journal’s coverage of the post-Deweyfication of the Perry Branch at the Maricopa County Library District was spot-on. I always feel a little weird about praising an article that quotes me… “My name is Karen, and I approve this message.” Jessamyn is so better about this… I know none of you think of me as shy, but I need to learn from her.

My Techsource post writes about two parallel innovations: the Perry project, and using bookstore headings (BISAC) in an online catalog at the Phoenix Public Library. (I started to write “BISAC in an OPAC,” then thought, get thee away, acronyms!). I find it a reflection of the feudal nature of libraries that two systems in the same county could be working in parallel on eerily similar projects and not know it.

Posted on this day, other years: