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The Luck o’ the Link Love

Still careening through homework, but the fire got turned up when I found myself attending the Connecticut Trendspotting forum this Friday to talk about open source. Gotta be done 2NITE! Or 2morrow, at the butt-crack o’ dawn! Hence a lunchtime link-love post…

(Why can’t we give St. Patrick’s a makeover and turn it into “Talk Like a Leprechaun Day”? “Fer sure, me lad, I’ll be having a bit o’ that Candle Salad…”)

Reporters Without Borders has a global anti-censorship demonstration happening — a great project, and an amazing design. Found on Facebook through Rebecca MacKinnon’s page.

MPOW has just released its Facebook app. Very handy, very nice!

I may or may not go into this in more depth, but I gave up on my halfhearted efforts to improve the Wikipedia page about creative nonfiction. (Actually, some of my edits were very full-hearted.) I skimmed the page yesterday, planning to share it with someone, only to discover major chunks had been rewritten in a convoluted, unsprightly academic patois filled with phrases such as “constitutive characteristics” and references to “texts” (um, you do “texts” on cellphones, dude; for creative nonfiction, please use subgenre terms such as essay, portrait, memoir, or travel narrative, etc.). Ick!

Slate has produced this handy guide to writing fake memoirs. I’ll put that on the syllabus of my fake-lit class!

Scrolling LED name badge. Come on, you know you want one!

Slate’s discussion of Amazon’s top reviewers. Klausner reviews 45 books a week? O.k., that’s not credible.

If you didn’t catch Mark Bittman’s article, “Rethinking the Meat Guzzler,” it’s not only a good summary of current food politics, but it’s becoming part of my own philosophy — not quickly and not perfectly, but still, a personal trend. I’ll write more about this when I summarize how I approached Lent this year. It’s what I’m writing about a lot, too.

If you’re trying to find local/sustainable/seasonal food, Michael Pollan has this nice linkset.

Posted on this day, other years: