I wanted to take a peek at the ALA event planner for the annual conference in New Orleans, just to see what else was happening 12-1 on Sunday, when Google is holding an event. They aren’t serving lunch so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing some other, equally informative lunchtime session where I […]
[6/19/2006: This is what’s going forward. But it’s definitely not too late for additions and corrections!] —————– DRAFT MEMORIAL RESOLUTION FOR JOHN ILIFF Whereas, John Iliff served libraries and the library profession with distinction and dedication for nearly two decades; and Whereas, John’s humor, intelligence, and compassion for the challenge of learning new technologies inspired […]
Hey, what could be more fun for Banned Books Week than these PSAs distributed as MP3s? It almost makes up for the conference event planner (more on that later)! Bookmark to:
I’m posting the following letter on request of ALA President-elect Leslie Burger, who wants stories of transformation. Champion that inner change agent and send in that story! (You’ll see this posted several places–feel free to copy and share.) —————–LetterFollows——————– I would like to enlist your help for a very exciting and interactive project that will […]
Here’s a question that came up on LITA-L I don’t have a real answer to, with its own solution: Will there be enough cabs in New Orleans to get thousands of librarians to their hotels without making them wait hours in the sticky heat? If the answer is “no”–and one report said the city cab […]
Ok, so I’m on this other blog… for the ALA Committee on Organization Subcommittee on E-Participation, and no I didn’t make that up. (That’s not even the committee that wanted the draconian copyright agreement–or if they did, I pencil-whipped it and oh no, they now own my every WORD!) The title of the blog is […]
I’m at ALA Annual 2006 from early Saturday evening through Tuesday afternoon, staying at the Renaissance Arts. It’s a whirlwind tour; I’m helping to put on a program about blogging, starring in a program about MPOW, and otherwise zipping here or there. Saturday 6:30 estimated hotel-room arrival 5:30–7:30 p.m. LITA Happy Hour, The Wolfe Restaurant, […]
So I finally got around to registering for ALA Annual Conference this afternoon… only to have the system insist that I’m already registered. (I’ve had my room for months–wanted to be sure to get one early so I wouldn’t end up at the Bates Motel, as was my well-deserved fate at Midwinter.) I either have […]
A Wandering Eyre reports from inside ALA’s Library 2.0 “camp” : “ALA wants to make spaghetti. It is cheap, easy, and can feed a crowd, but they do not take the time to look around and realize that anyone can make spaghetti. ALA thinks that all good things come from companies and big dysfunctional organizations, […]
Update! You can also head over to Library Garden to RSVP–not necessary, but will make sure they buy enough food and drink to last through a party! (Please feel free to cross-blog this item. Leslie is hoping to avoid the paper-invitation route and I think we can cover bases pretty well within the biblioblogosphere.) Consider […]