“For some reason I feel like 50 is a more significant milestone in my life than just about any other age I’ve yet experienced. I find myself assessing my career, trying to figure out where I want to be in the next 5 and 10 years. I also realize that I’m comfortable in my skin. […]
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Having done such a good job helping us into the Iraq War, the New York Times now has to take on not just Harry Potter but the entire literary world. Bad enough they should “prove” that kids lose interest in Potter by describing a boy who, at 15, will not immediately run out and read […]
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From that title, you may be thinking I am writing about Bush commuting Scooter Libby’s sentence, but I’m not being coy: this is about the flag. Over on Twitter, Blake commented, “62% of Americans said they flew the stars and stripes at home, office or car, sez poll by Pew Research Center for the People […]
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I’ve been tagged several times for this meme, but had to set it aside while I met some writing deadlines. I am amused by the misleading subject; after all, eight truly random things about anyone would either bore or horrify you (or likely, both). So my “random things†are really eight things I’d like to […]
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Note: you can email or IM me at kgs@freerangelibrarian.com, Twitter me at kgs, or poke me on Facebook. I’m job-hunting — with the awareness that my family life is here in Tallahassee — but I am also hanging out my shingle for short-term contract work. My availability In April I resigned from a job I […]
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Jenny Levine has a great post (among many other recent great posts in this vein) about striking a balance with the online life… I write that thinking, I really should link to all those other posts, but I’ve been dogging it all day getting ready for NASIG and writing two pieces, and I’d really rather […]
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My old job was posted to FPOW’s website. It’s a Word document, so I’ll just link to the page that lists it rather than cause any link weirdness for my readers. This is a great job for the right person, the renaissance systems person who wants to work in academic libraries. The department has some […]
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I grit my teeth whenever anyone tells me they haven’t done X because they are “busy.” We’re all busy. But the recent quiet here has been because… well… I’m busy. I spent last weekend working on a document due Friday that isn’t anywhere near done yet (with breaks for church and–ouch–a Sunday work teleconference), then […]
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
Ok, two late-breaking events: PUBLIB Friday 5:30 – 7; OCLC Blog Salon, Saturday 8 – whenever. 1. PUBLIB’s party: PUBLIB has been meeting at ALA almost continuously since 1992. This ALA Marilyn Sheck of SPL did the legwork but I have not done the posting. (Ok… I could grumble that nobody takes this ball and […]
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
Prior to ALA Midwinter, I will spend three days among the metarati at a grant meeting, so my quick tour at ALA is not out of funding issues or boredom, but simply because after a week away I will be ready to return to MPOW and the family hearth. Friday Arrive 7-ish Drinky-poos and dinner […]
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