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Monthly Archives: June 2006

FRL’s Tips for New Annual Conference Attendees

The ALA Wiki has some good tips, and provides links to several other collections. Here’s my gathered wisdom: * Don’t assume you’ll have ubiquitous web or email access; do assume that friends will have complications and crossed wires that a cell phone can help resolve. I always carry a short printout with my schedule and […]

if:book notices libraries using tagging

In the “Noticed by Muggles” Department, The Institute for the Future of the Book notes (approvingly, I assume) that the University of Pennsylvania library catalog is offering user tagging. My murky brain wonders if other libraries are doing this… Bookmark to:


Alligator Originally uploaded by freerangelibrarian. Yes, that’s an alligator, and no, this isn’t Palo Alto. We’ve had a few mountain lions wander into PA, but no alligators… as far as I know. I’m back from my Mystery Trip (in which Mrs. Rev. Dr. Free Range Librarian was doing business–though not in this swamp). I am […]

ALA Event Planner Survey: Please Take It!

Ferreted out from ALA list traffic… I had heard there was an event planner survey but it is buried in the Event Planner (much as a survey buried in WordPerfect 6.0 might have concluded it was a successful release, since the only people who would find it were those who didn’t say “gaaaahhhhh!” and drop […]

Another library travesty

Yet more supporting material for John Berry’s latest editorial: Jo Ann Pinder was fired. A Wandering Eyre notes that one of Pinder’s crimes was buying Spanish-language materials; I note her dastardly tendency to lavish her budget on popular reading. What was she thinking? As is usually the case, it’s all a front for a right-wing […]

MPOW Teeshirt and boxer shorts

LII Teeshirt (men’s XL) and boxer shorts Originally uploaded by I’m sorry, here I am disturbing the Veil of My Place Of Work, but we just got a rush order of the SWAG we’ve been developing for our new store, and I can’t STAND how CUTE those boxer shorts are! Bookmark to:

My OPAC Sucks button

My OPAC Sucks button Originally uploaded by freerangelibrarian. I confess I did this in part to tease Steve Lawson. But if you agree your opac sucks–hey, say it loud! This, to me, is teeshirt-worthy… Bookmark to:

My librarian trading card

My librarian trading card Originally uploaded by freerangelibrarian. Finally got around to doing this, once I realized I could use the Simpsons picture to create it. I might add more to the card, but this was a fun start. Bookmark to:

ALA’s Conference Planner

I wanted to take a peek at the ALA event planner for the annual conference in New Orleans, just to see what else was happening 12-1 on Sunday, when Google is holding an event. They aren’t serving lunch so I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing some other, equally informative lunchtime session where I […]

Draft memorial resolution for John Iliff

[6/19/2006: This is what’s going forward. But it’s definitely not too late for additions and corrections!] —————– DRAFT MEMORIAL RESOLUTION FOR JOHN ILIFF Whereas, John Iliff served libraries and the library profession with distinction and dedication for nearly two decades; and Whereas, John’s humor, intelligence, and compassion for the challenge of learning new technologies inspired […]