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The Next Catalog: Drivers Wanted

From another list, and from Eric Lease Morgan, someone I greatly respect. Whether you join the list and share in the discussion, or whether you follow the list through its web archives (see below), you are participating. Join in!


A mailing list has been created called NGC4Lib — Next Generation Catalogs for Libraries. See:

NGC4Lib is open to anybody in the world, and its purpose is to discuss things including but not limited to:

* Who are the primary intended audiences for a library’s
“card catalog”?

* Considering the changing nature of information access in an
Internet environment, how is an electronic “card catalog” of
today different from the one designed ten or fifteen years ago?

* What kind of content should these “card catalogs” contain?

* To what degree are these things “catalogs” (as in inventory
lists), and to what degree are they finding aids?

* To what degree should traditional cataloging practices be
used in such a thing, or to what degree should new and upcoming
practices such as FRBR be exploited?

* How would such a thing get created and by whom?

* What are some of the functionalities of “next generation”

Mailing list functions

To subscribe send an email message to, and in the body of your message enter “subscribe ngc4lib Your Name” where “Your Name” is… your name.

To send a message to the list, send it to

To unsubscribe send a message to, and send “unsubscribe ngc4lib”.

You can also use this link to manage your subscription:

An archive of the mailing list’s postings are available from these two URL’s:


Eric “I Hope Something Doesn’t Go Wrong” Morgan
Head, Digital Access and Information Architecture Department
University Libraries of Notre Dame

Posted on this day, other years: