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Category Archives: Hot Tech

Institute for the Future of the Book Releases CommentPress 1.0

The if:book folks have released CommentPress, a fascinating WordPress theme that allows paragraph-by-paragraph commentary. CommentPress has great potential… at some point I  suggested it could be used for public discussion of license agreements, such as those from Google Book Project. I was privileged to test CommentPress before release — you can visit my test site […]

Vendor article up; bargains in Florida

My latest article for IT Manager’s Journal, Vendor Confidential: How to Sell to the IT Crowd, went live this afternoon. I turned it in this morning… I love online publications. Love my editor, as well. Meanwhile, I try very hard to keep this blog work-safe, but with the news that the uber-pious Rep. Allen had […]

Clarifying my LOCKSS video

After I received an interesting email response yesterday for an article I’m writing about LOCKSS, I realized I needed to clarify that the Youtube Video I made for the BIGWIG Showcase emphasizes special-case uses of LOCKSS. LOCKSS is primarily used as a long-term insurance plan for e-journals, and it’s particularly powerful this way because it […]

Social Software Showcase at ALA Annual

I’m pasting in Karen Coombs’ announcement of a Social Software Showcase at ALA Annual (already linked here and there on the Web), which is the epitome of all that is epitomizable, and in which (as I have not yet resolved that unable-to-be-in-two-places-at-once issue) I will participate in via a YouTube video which I have yet […]

NASIG 2007 Presentation: State of Emergency

By popular demand (um… all two of you), here’s the talk I gave at NASIG 2007, uploaded to so I could, you know, easily share it! Bon appetit. Bookmark to:

Free OPAL event with David Weinberger

Wednesday, June 6, 2007 beginning at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, 1:00 Central, noon Mountain, 11:00 a.m. Pacific, and 6:00 p.m. GMT: Interview with David Weinberger, Author of Everything is Miscellaneous (I cribbed this copy from another blog and then had to laugh, since it refers to me in the third person:) David Weinberger will […]

The divides within IT

Note: thanks to a worried comment from an FRL reader, I discovered several hundred FRL readers had been marooned when I migrated to WordPress a couple of weeks ago. I pointed the feed in question to the new WordPress rss2 feed. Tell me if you aren’t reading this 😉 I felt completely back in the […]

Dude, what’s the ROI?

I was reminded today by a little bird that I have been badly neglecting FRL, what with my hoity-toity big job and all. But today on the way back from a meeting with the folks at our statewide-automation-system-what-runs-our-catalog, I thought to myself, “Self, I have a post that I can’t do over at my hoity-toity […]

The Networked Book: if:book Advances

Ok, tomorrow is the annual holiday open house, which means I am having my annual nervous breakdown. I have to bake two more pans of cookies, rustle up a ham (or as I disrespectfully refer to it, the Ham of God), clean the house (which means, in part, scooping piles of stuff into my office […]

Santa’s Wishlist

What’s on your library-technology wishlist for Santa? OPACs that users can use without training? Jam-free printers? A conference without any PowerPoint? Let me know by Tuesday, November 15, and I’ll consider it for a TechSource article appearing later that week. Of course, you could just stay mum and then comment on the item, but this […]