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ALA Swiftly Denounces Proposed Book GLBT Book Ban

Kudos, ALA! You just justified twelve years of dues and bad hotel rooms for conferences. The entire press release follows.

American Library Association denounces proposed bill to ban state funds for gay and lesbian books

December 2, 2004

(CHICAGO) The following is a statement from American Library Association (ALA) President Carol Brey-Casiano:

“It is alarming and discouraging that Alabama state Representative Gerald Allen is proposing to ban books about lesbian and gay people from public libraries, schools and universities. Not only is the bill unworkable, it is discriminatory and unconstitutional.

“Libraries are for everyone – of all backgrounds and viewpoints – and provide a broad spectrum of materials from which to choose. This is what makes libraries the most democratic of institutions in this country.

“Every year, the American Library Association learns of hundreds of attempts to remove books from our public libraries and schools. Most of these books stay available because teachers, librarians and community members stand up for literature and the freedom to choose what to read and view. We trust that Alabama legislators will stand up to this latest attempt to censor our library collections.”

Larra Clark, Media Relations Manager
Public Information Office, American Library Association 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL 60611-2795
Toll-free: 800-545-2433 x5043; Fax: 312-944-8520 @ your library

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